What could your organization accomplish if you could peer into the future?
Profit from the experience of your industry-specific peers. Senior Executive Network (SEN) allows you to profit—personally and professionally—from peers in your industry who have first-hand experience with the challenges and opportunities you face and are committed to your success.
Peer into the future and spot new opportunities. As a top executive, you are uniquely responsible for managing your team while also ensuring that you are achieving your own goals for your company and CEO. SEN provides peer and expert perspectives that can help drive you and your organization's future.
Maximize your effectiveness in minimal time. In just a few days a year, you will identify and concentrate on those initiatives that can have the greatest impact.
Video: Welcome to Chief Executive Network (04:39)
Find Your Network
Senior Executive Network manages national peer networks in a variety of industries and is building new local groups in key markets.
We convene peer networks for Senior Executives in the following roles:
CFOs / VPs of Finance
More than ever, financial professionals need a place to get expert, confidential advice from “real world” peers on their most pressing challenges.
Senior Executive Network's Controller Group brings together controllers who are in the same industry and face unprecedented challenges in this fast-changing economy.
Senior Operations Executives
Senior Executive Network provides an experienced network and tools for Operations executives to excel, think more strategically and add significant value to their company operations.
Senior HR Executives
Top HR Executives continue to face challenging times in the wake of the COVID-crisis. Who are you turning to for advice?
Senior Marketing Executives
Senior Executive Network places senior marketing executives into groups with peers in their industry to allow for a confidential dialogue which results in actionable takeaways.
Senior Sales Executives
Learn from other Sales leaders how they are increasing sales in one of the most difficult environments in many years.
Senior IT Executives
Senior Executive Network has networks for senior IT executives. We place IT executives into groups with peers in their industry who have the same job responsibilities and comparable levels of complexity.
Senior R&D Executives
Senior Executive Network provides an experienced network and tools for R&D executives to excel, think more strategically and add significant value to their companies product development.
Senior Supply Chain Executives
In such a visible role, where do Supply Chain leaders turn for advice on how to optimize the supply chain and increase the number of inventory turns?
Senior Quality Executives
Senior Executive Network provides an experienced network and tools for Quality executives to excel, think more strategically and add significant value to their company.
Sr. Engineering / Tech Executives
VPs of Engineering and Technology need to introduce and innovate new products, while minimizing the impact of these new product requests on current work. Where can they go to obtain best practices?
Other Executive Networks
We also have networks for high potential next level leaders, project managers and Executive Assistants.
For Your Top & Emerging Leaders:
In addition to Senior Executive Network, we also offer the following Networks:
Interested? Get in touch with SEN.
Fill in the form on this page and we’ll send you our brochure and a sample meeting agenda. Or call us today at (785)832-0303.